Wednesday 25 August 2010

And now the end is near...

If you have participated in the Cam23 programme (regardess of whether you have finished it) we would like you to provide your feedback via this Cam23 survey so that we can establish how well the programme has been received. Thank you!

N.B. If you have not already signed up to attend the Grand Closing Ceremony next Thursday then you need to do so before 10am tomorrow morning (26 August). If you miss this deadline please email Kirsty separately.


  1. as you may have gathered, I have been an observer of this course rather than a participant.It has been a most interesting journey, and I look forward to finding out how my senior officer will bring some of the Things into use in our library. I had already tried, and in fact use, several of the things: couldn't get delicious to work, possibly because I didn't want to sign up to yahoo (such an ugly name), and I love the idea of zotero but have not yet found out how to share my file with someone else. Tried making a group, but it didn't work. Well done to everyone, and especially to the team who put it all together so cheerfully. Sorry to miss the Grand Finale - will toast you from Cornwall in Camel Valley Fizz.
