Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Communication problems?

Last week I posted what was intended to be a rather innocent final Cam23 post to my blog, unaware of the strong reaction it would provoke, or the number of comments it would receive (currently 56!). A good dollop of controversy and difference of opinions aside, something potentially beneficial has come out of this blog discussion (and previous discussion over at Aidan's Blurtmetry blog): a shared will to get together for a non-proprietary meeting open to all CU library staff (regardless of rank) to talk about the communication problems and issues that currently cause each of us concern.

The meeting may enable those seen as 'in the know' to share the current avenues and options available, and for everyone to discuss possible ways forward (including evaluation of existing platforms and potential new ones). All anyone need bring to the meeting is an open mind and a willingness to see things from each others perspective. We also need to be realistic that this meeting cannot be a panacea, but simply a means of opening dialogue.

If you want to be a part of the conversation, then provide details of your availability here:
N.B. its unlikely that we'll be able to get a time when everyone is free so we'll have to go for the best match. Can anyone volunteer a meeting room?


  1. Thank you for doing this Andy and for publicising so widely. It's much appreciated and hope we get a good turnout to talk about this. You're right, a meeting can't solve the problems but the chance for many people to "open dialogue" is already progress, I think.

    I hope to see lots of people there.


  2. Thank you for following up TPTRTD. Would you like me to see if I can get a room at Selwyn?

  3. Thanks for organising this Andy. Will you be sending emails to relevant lists about this as well (the cclf list, ucam-lib-discuss and lib-list spring to mind)? I imagine that there are plenty of people who aren't following the Cam23 blog who would like to know about this. If you want to delegate I'd be happy to send out something.

  4. Please go ahead and do that. I suggest pointing them all to this blogpost.

  5. And Sarah - Selwyn room would be good - thanks!

  6. Have sent messages to ucam-lib-discuss and ucam-cclf, with encouragement for all who receive it to pass it on.

    And just in case anyone's interested, I've written my own response-come-reflection on this subject.

  7. OK gimme date, time and no. expected attendees when it's fixed and I'll see what I can do.

  8. I've also added info to the 23 Things Facebook page ... another form of communication ...!!!

  9. I was thinking, would it be possible for someone to report live from the meeting using the chat functionality in Cambridge_Librarians? That way people could follow remotely and there'd be an incentive to start using that site more.

  10. Well volunteered, Niamh! Sounds like that would an interesting experiement, if nothing else.

  11. Glad you like the idea! I can't make that time though, so if someone else could report through CamTools you'll have at least one person participating from the other side.

  12. Depends on whether there is wifi/internet access in the room in Selwyn I presume? I would rather not do it although I am a fan of the chat room in Camtools having used it every day in my previous job, but it is a good idea!

  13. I think someone (Lynn Bailey) asked about wifi on Twitter today, but don't know if there was an answer or not. She was offering to man the chat room.

  14. That would be great - but looking forward to hearing the outcome either way.

  15. There is Selwyn wifi or I could use Eduroam. Having now (after a few problems getting the wifi switched back on on the borrowed netbook) got eduroam to work I will attempt at the meeting to send stuff to the chat room on camtools during the meeting. If there is anyone out there not able to come to the meeting but can connect to the chat room and has any comments I will raise them in the meeting - at least assume there will be points at which this is appropriate. I warn you now that although I can type at 80+ wpm normally, on a netbook size keyboard this tends to drop to about 20 wpm or a lot of spelling mistakes!!!
